Skin Edit
SkinsRestorer allows you to edit the current skin you have on. Learn how to edit and update your local skin.
Uploading to imgur
This time we are going to upload your edited skin to imgur. Follow the following steps:
Run the command
Run the command /skin edit
in the chat. This will give you a link to the skin editor.
Edit the skin
Use the skin editor to make changes to your skin. Once you are done, click on save the skin.
Save the skin image
Go to the left side and right click on the skin template shown in 2D. Right click the image and click on “save image as”
Go to
Upload the file to imgur (see image below)
Getting the URL
The Skin URL must end with .png
, so make sure that you have the right URL!
Below you can see the skin I just uploaded to imgur, now right-click on the image and hit “Copy image address”
It should copy an URL like
That’s it! You can now set the skin by using your imgur URL!
The command to set the skin is /skin url "<url>"
Make sure the URL is in quotes.