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Common issues

We’ve compiled a list of common issues that users encounter when using the plugin.

Host-specific issues

Your Minecraft host may be causing issues with the plugin.

Servers with a forced proxy (like MineHut)

If your using a hosting provider that forces you to connect though a proxy you do not manage, it might not be possible to use SkinsRestorer.

You cannot really fix this because some hosting providers (like MineHuts) proxy’s manages skins and capes, and you cannot change it.

Servers with a misconfigured firewall

Sometimes your Minecraft host may have a firewall that blocks the plugin from connecting to the SkinsRestorer APIs. If you’re having issues with the plugin connecting to the API, please check our firewall guide.

Platform-specific issues

Sometimes there’s issues caused by the software you’re using to power your server.

Supported platforms

We only support the following platforms:

  • Bukkit
  • Spigot
  • Paper (and forks like Purpur, Pufferfish, etc.)
  • Folia
  • BungeeCord (and forks like Waterfall)
  • Velocity
  • Latest Fabric
  • Latest Forge

Hacks like Magma, Mohist, Cardboard and similar “hybrid” platforms are not officially supported and may not work properly.

Plugin-specific issues

Sometimes other plugins interfere with SkinsRestorer.

Plugins with known issues

Please check our list on our website with known plugin issues. If your plugin is on the list, please contact the plugin author to fix the issue.

Client-specific issues

SkinsRestorer is a server-side plugin, so most issues are related to the server. However, there are some issues that can be caused by the client. We’ve compiled a page dedicated to client issues, which you can find help for client/launcher issues.

Other issues

Sometimes your issue may be caused by something not listed here. In that case, try these steps.

If you’re still having issues

If you’re still having issues, you can find help in the following places:

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